Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year everyone!

Happy New Year I hope everyone had a great new year. I did I was really trying to stay up last night so I could watch the ball drop cause I NEVER Have watched it. I was REALLY tired so I to went bed and I turned on my T.V. Then it came on and it was awesome

How was your night?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Hanna, here in the Netherlands where we live, everybody lights fireworks themselves right at 12 midnight. So we watched some tv first and enjoyed the company we had (some friends with their kids) and then we woke up our own children (Caroline is 7 and Timo is 9 and his brother Morten is 10) and we had some champaign and blew up all the fireworks. My husband usually buys for too much money (my opinion) and was at it till 1 o clock and then we went inside coz most of it was done and it started to be too windy to light the rest. I went to bed at 4 that morning which is way past my bedtime so the next day (new years) we cleaned up the mess in the street, watched tv and simply relaxed a bit. Thanks for following my blog, i am sure to come back here regularly too!
